Tuesday, 4 May 2010

UPDATE: Tory candidate attacks abortion and sex education...

The Conservative general election candidate for North Devon told me the number of abortions in the UK “is a reflection of the gross deterioration in our society generally”.

Asked how his Christian faith, which he has highlighted during campaigning, will influence his politics, businessman Philip Milton attacked sex education in schools and abortion.

He said: “I shall be pleased to vote for a reduction in the number of weeks in abortion cases, based on the evidence, likely to be 20 weeks.

“However, my biggest principle will be to hope we can reduce the number of abortions, that is the bigger fear to our country, and of course it is a reflection of the gross deterioration in our society generally.

“There are now 174 pregnancies to teenage mothers every day. We have the worst record for teenage pregnancies in Europe. We have one of the worst records for relationship breakdown in Europe.”

He said a Conservative Government would employ 4,000 extra health visitors in the UK and recognise marriage and civil partnerships as a stable base for society.

He added: “I am against the rolling-out of sex education to children at an ever-younger age and despite the clear evidence of even more problems as a result of more sexual activity liberal policy says instead that we must tell children more about it and not less; have they lost the plot?”

He said his faith also drove him towards care for the weakest in society and he had been part of the “visionary leadership team” at Croyde Baptist Church, which he joined as a teenager.

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